Grey - Monica Sampietro

Si intitola Magical Contamination  la recente ricerca tendenza firmata Lii Edelkoort  per TREND TABLET .

Noi lo avevamo anticipato lo scorso dicembre, con un progetto sui batteri e sulle tecniche grafiche per ottenerne le fantastiche cromie che ne derivano.

Il progetto è stato presentato con Roberto Pacella.

Grey is found everywhere: rocks, clouds, elephants, fishes, asphalt... As we have said before, it can reflect both softness and depression, and sometimes, as a natural phenomenon, it can be dreaded as it appears in little spots over a loaf of bread or on some innocent-looking raspberries.

In his tumblr Magical Contamination, Antoine Bridier-Nahmias turns his attention to this particularly occurrence – suddenly, under his attentive eye, those unwelcome microscopic mushrooms reveal their beauty and become strangely fascinating.